Website Development

Web-technology is foundational to every system that BaySoft delivers. For this reason we are very well placed to create websites for our clients. Whether you want a simple informational website, with basic content management or your requirements are more advanced, we can deliver to a high standard, using tried and tested technologies.

We understand the importance of a website - and that it must fulfil the objectives that you have for it. For this reason, we always start with the question: "What do you want your website to deliver for your business?"

Two ways to go...

When developing websites, there are two broad approaches that we take.

  1. We can create your website from scratch, with you simply supplying your logo - we will design a website sympathetic to your sector and branding. We have no formal training as graphic designers, but we do have many years of experience creating websites from the ground up, and we know what looks good.
  2. You can supply the design of the website, as provided by a professional graphic designer, and we can make it work.

In either case, we can provide you will full or partial content management, and really make your website sing and dance with the web 2.0 features that today's surfers have come to expect.

Designed By Us

Click on the links to visit the websites.

These are sites that have been designed and coded by us from scratch.

In most cases, we would have originally received limited artwork from the client in the form of a logo or a compliment slip.

We have created and now host these websites for our clients.

Artwork Supplied

In most cases we prefer to work in circumstances where the client will approve of and supply us with completed artwork in the form of a Photoshop style layout plus necessary images.

We can then provide a 'coding and host' only service for our clients ensuring a rapid result when delivering your website.

Advanced, Content Managed Websites

Click on the links to visit the websites.

In many cases we provide our clients with their own content management tools to control the content of their own websites.